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Child's sleep, approach Milk and Moon

  • 4 Steps
lune dans la nuit avec nuage


Your child wakes up at night and you are exhausted. You don't want to see him cry. This gentle and respectful approach is based on scientific data. It allows, gradually, to improve your nights. What it is not: -a method where baby cries -a method where you teach your baby to fall asleep alone/be independent - a method that gives results in 3 days -

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



2 Plans Available, From €79.00


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Contact for more information

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Hours: By appointment

Office Vaise, at 6 rue de la martinique 69009 Lyon,

In HOME visits 

or telehealth



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© 2019-2021 by MybabyMoon - Elise Armory

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Crédit Photo: Tatiana Maurines

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